Hyundai Sonata: Specifications, Consumer information and Reporting safety defects / Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) & Vehicle Certification Label

Hyundai Sonata LF 2014-2019 Owners Manual / Specifications, Consumer information and Reporting safety defects / Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) & Vehicle Certification Label

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

The vehicle identification number (VIN) is the number used in registering your car and in all legal matters pertaining to its ownership, etc.

The number is punched on the floor under the passenger seat. To check the number, open the cover.

The VIN is also on a plate attached to the top of the dashboard. The number on the plate can easily be seen through the windshield from outside.

Vehicle Certification Label

The vehicle certification label attached on the driver's side center pillar gives the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).

Recommended Lubricants and Capacities
To help achieve proper engine and powertrain performance and durability, use only lubricants of the proper quality. The correct lubricants also help promote engine efficiency that results in improve ...

Tire Specification and Pressure Label & Engine Number
Tire Specification and Pressure Label The tires supplied on your new vehicle are chosen to provide the best performance for normal driving. The tire label located on the driver's side center pillar ...

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Hyundai Sonata LF 2014-2019 Service Manual: Front Oil Seal Repair procedures
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